切手/the birds and flowers ブログトップ
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The edge of the State Birds and Flowers Series [切手/the birds and flowers]

■ 米国 州鳥と州花 切手 枠外
The edge of the State Birds and Flowers Series
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Alabama State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Yellowhammer and Camellia■ 米国 アラバマ州鳥と州花
Alabama State Bird and State Flower
Yellowhammer and Camellia
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Alaska State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Willow Ptarmigan and Forget-Me-Not■ 米国 アラスカ州鳥と州花
Alaska State Bird and State Flower
Willow Ptarmigan and Forget-Me-Not
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Arizona State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Cactus Wren and Saguaro Cactus Blossom■ 米国 アリゾナ州鳥と州花
Arizona State Bird and State Flower
Cactus Wren and Saguaro Cactus Blossom
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Arkansas State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Mockingbird and Apple Blossom■ 米国 アーカンサス州鳥と州花
Arkansas State Bird and State Flower
Mockingbird and Apple Blossom
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


California State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

California Quail and California Poppy■ 米国 カリフォルニア州鳥と州花
California State Bird and State Flower
California Quail and California Poppy
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Colorado State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Lark Bunting and Rocky Mountain Columbine■ 米国 コロラド州鳥と州花
Colorado State Bird and State Flower
Lark Bunting and Rocky Mountain Columbine
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Connecticut State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Robin and Mountain Laurel■ 米国 コネチカット州鳥と州花
Connecticut State Bird and State Flower
Robin and Mountain Laurel
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Delaware State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Blue Hen Chicken and Peach Blossom■ 米国 デラウェア州鳥と州花
Delaware State Bird and State Flower
Blue Hen Chicken and Peach Blossom
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行


Florida State Bird and State Flower [切手/the birds and flowers]

Mockingbird and Orange Blossom■ 米国 フロリダ州鳥と州花
Florida State Bird and State Flower
Mockingbird and Orange Blossom
■ date of issue : 14 / april / 1982 発行

前の10件 | - 切手/the birds and flowers ブログトップ
